导演:Justin Gallaher Sam Roseme
主演:金宝罗 金宰铉 申素率
简介:当了20年(nián )微生物研究员的施语恬(陈洁仪饰)决定(dìng )离职完成当甜点师傅的梦(mèng )想(xiǎng )。在一个聚餐会上,朋友们都对一个看起来很普通(tōng )的甜点赞不绝口当了20年(nián )微生物研究员的施语恬(陈洁仪饰)决定(dìng )离职完成当甜点师傅的梦(mèng )想(xiǎng )。在一个聚餐会上,朋友们都对一个看起来很普通(tōng )的甜点赞不绝口,语(yǔ )恬吃了也惊为天人,于是她开始寻找这个甜点师,结果对方竟是一位来自台湾、比自己年轻许多的大男生,小D(李至正饰)。 初时态度有些散漫(màn )的小D不愿分享食材,语恬只好软硬兼施苦苦相求,弄得小D啼(tí )笑皆非。他于是提出语恬必须接受某些条件,才可因材施教。语恬面对(duì )挑战,认识了身藏民(mín )间的糕点达人。过程虽不容易,但是耐人寻味也趣味盎然,让她的生命也充实(shí )了许多。Sick and tired of doing a job she doesn’t love for the past 20 years, 42-year-old biomedical researcher Yu Tin (Kit Chan) decides to quit her job and fulfill her dream of becoming a pastry chef.One day, she chances upon an ordinary-looking yet refreshingly tasty pastry. Determined to find out the recipe of this mystery pastry, she tracks down its creator, Hsiao D (Chris Lee), and asks that Hsiao D accept her as his apprentice. Hsiao D decides to issue Yu Tin a series of challenges, to prove that she’s worthy of being his apprentice. Will Yu Tin crumble under the pressure, or will she rise to the challenge? Patisserie Fighting is a heartwarming comedy that centres around the duo’s transformation from bickering foes to close friends, with captivating visuals of mouth-watering sweet treats, and insider baking tips for aspiring bakers.详情